Shout-out Wall for Q2 2024

Shout Out Background

Shout-out Recipients
April 2024 - July 2024 (Q2)


Michelle D

I would like to nominate Michelle Dacoco for her exceptional management of the ACD Migration project, which she successfully completed. Since the project start on November 2022, Michelle worked closely with the project team and stakeholders, planning migrations and trainings, recording greetings, and facilitating vendor meetings. Despite three management changes with the Director of Network and Telecom role, Michelle's unwavering dedication ensured its success.

ACD Migration Team

Wilbur, Sal, and Alex are a powerhouse team! Their dedication to ensuring the smooth operation of the University's phone system is truly commendable. Around the clock, they uphold excellent working relationships while providing unwavering support to staff, faculty, and students alike.

Their technical expertise is matched only by their patience, understanding, and thoroughness. They consistently demonstrate their commitment by making themselves available at a moment's notice, whether to assist a campus member or implement critical system fixes.

Working alongside such a capable team has been both a pleasure and a privilege. Their contributions not only maintain the University's operational efficiency but also elevate the entire community's experience. Many many thanks to Wilbur, Sal, and Alex for their outstanding work and dedication!


William M

I nominate William for leading us in the web applications conversion project for Financial Services. Throughout the project, he was very fastidious, innovative, going Above & Beyond the Call and he has Unwavering Dedication to Service.

Chase R

Chase was also critical to the success of the Box Migration project. He was the primary support for the project and was extremely patient with all the stakeholders especially ones new to Box.

Elmer C

Elmer was critical to the success of the Box Migration project. He worked behind the scenes to prepare and migrate each department. He’s easy to work with and calm despite the tight deadlines and amount of work involved.

Spoo B

Spoo successfully managed the Box Migration project and completed it before the deadline! This was her first project for the ITS PMO and she handled everything like a pro, from preparing project documents to hosting meetings, working closely with the team and stakeholders and addressing unexpected challenges.

Sterling S and Gilgamesh J

Thank you both for working with me on various Documentation projects! I truly enjoyed all the meetings that we had. You both are the best!!!!



Ivan W & John S

A new PeopleSoft service was created that allows staff to enter and track students' accumulated internship hours so that it can be recorded electronically on the students' academic records. This project required a large amount of analysis and patience on Ivan's part to understand the customer's needs and to create the technical specifications for John's development. John did an excellent jobs creating the admin and student-facing pages.

William, Arsenio, Allen & Tram - FABS Server Upgrade

Fiscal Affairs' two web & application servers were in need of an upgrade in order to maintain critical business services and support from Microsoft. The server upgrade was a collaborative effort between ERP, Web App, & Systems Teams. I would like to thank William, Arsenio, & Tram for working overtime hours in order to rebuild the applications on the servers, & Allen for building the server and network security. Their dedication trly needs to be recognized as the transition to the new servers was seemeless and transparent to the customers.

Chase Randall

I would like to submit a shoutout to Chase for providing excellent customer service to the departments. Staff members on campus have consistently expressed how much they enjoy working with him on technical issues and appreciate his approachable demeanor. 

Sphoorti Biradar

I would like to submit a shoutout to Sphoorti Biradar for her exceptional leadership in the Box migration project. Her dedication and guidance ensured the project was completed on time, despite numerous unexpected issues and changes. Thanks to her efforts, we managed to wrap up the project without any delays!

Angel S & Hal M

Angel and Hal rolled up their sleeves and did a fabulous job of cleaning up the Village BDF in preparation for the summer projects from Apogee and WCG that will need to setup their network connections in that room. They removed 20 years worth of old equipment and racks. Awesome job guys!

Katerina M

The new ITS website needed some graphic icons and Kat, with her background in graphic design, created a series of matching icons for the most-requested ITS support services. They're clean, professional, and align well with University branding. This is a big thank you to Kat for volunteering and delivering at record speed.

Ryan K

Ryan has been monumental in building a shared understanding of the project requirements and impediments. His expertise with Box helped us communicate accurately with stakeholders to clarify their doubts. He lead the project team in mitigating risks and issues to address unique concerns of various stakeholders.  

Elmer C

Elmer has been the pillar of this project, he did most of the heavy lifting and put in extra hours to ensure efficient migration for every department and even coordinated with AT when needed. His commitment to project success and deadlines is a major reason for us to close on time and deliver value to stakeholders. His dedication and sincerity has been commendable. 

Shanshan L

Shanshan has been proactive in providing support to A&F departments across campus as we transitioned them to Box, her efforts in documenting knowledge base articles and assistance in Qualtrics survey creation has led to a seamless project execution. She was very responsive in addressing stakeholders queries and did her best to offer a solutions/ideas that led to customer satisfaction.

Chase R

Chase provided dedicated support and assistance on a consistent basis throughout the project to our key stakeholders. He went above and beyond to ensure smooth transition to Box and provided training/hand holding to those who were completely new to the platform.

He has played a very important role in ensuring project success.

Alan Y

Has excelled at handling our team of Students in configuring Dorms for Comcast updates.

Miguel G

Has really taken well to his role as Service Desk Lead, very thorough, reliable, and hit the ground running.

ShanShan L

Excellent work on Box Support. Reliable, Consistent, Thorough. Good partner to have on a project with you.

About Shout-outs

The ITS Shout-out program recognizes ITS employees for going the extra mile at work and striving to make our department better.

Nominate an ITS employee today!

Golden Gator Synopsis

Every quarter ITS selects a staff member(s) or a team as a recipient for our Golden Gator Award. The winner(s) will be announced at our quarterly Town Hall meeting.

How Does it Work

If a person or team provides excellent service or leadership, you can nominate them for a shout-out on our shout-out page. There are several categories to choose from when submitting a nomination, including Calm in the Eye of the Storm, the Behind the Scenes Wonder, Above & Beyond the Call, Customer Whisperer, Unwavering Dedication to Service, Unexpected Leader, and other, where you may write in another category of your own choosing. Once you select your preferred category, you can then compose an explanation behind your shout-out submission. Please include your name, department, and email address.

Below is an example of what a nomination may look like:

Jane Doe

nominated on 12/1/2020

Kindly be informed Jane helped us tremendously to resolve one issue in CS. We would like to give our sincere special recognition to them. Without their expertise and willingness to help this communication would not be going out today. I appreciate their efforts more than I can say.


What Happens Next

Once we receive your nomination, we will notify the nominee(s) and their supervisors letting them know they’ve been nominated. ITS will then post the nomination to our ITS shout-out wall. The shout-out will be listed under the quarter in which they were received. At the end of the corresponding quarter, ITS’s Staff Advisory group and one member from outside ITS will meet to vote on all the nominations received. Based on the tally of votes, we will determine who will receive our Golden Gator Award for the quarter. We will then notify you that your nominee was chosen as a winner. The winner(s) will be announced at our Town Hal meeting and listed as such on our shout-out wall. 

View previous recipients