Information Technology Services

Boy at Computer

Contact the ITS Service Desk

  • Phone: (415) 338-1420
  • Email:
  • Location: LIB 360 E
  • Hours: Mon. - Fri. 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Common Issues

Service Desk:

  • Phone: (415) 338-1420
  • Email:
  • Location: ADM 110
  • Hours: Mon. - Fri. 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

We are located on the first floor beneath the Undergraduate Advising Center.

Map with arrows showing paths into ADM 110 from the Library side and from within the Administration building

Our Mission

Information Technology Services advances SF State's mission by providing reliable and secure enterprise-wide applications and infrastructure to support its long-standing commitments to teaching, learning, and social justice.





ITS Shout-Outs

Show your appreciation and recognize their hard work by submitting a shout-out, or take a look at some of our current shout-out recipients!
