ITS Archived Alerts


ITS will update the campus load balance system, which directs network traffic to services such as OnBase, Shibboleth, Gateway, on-premise email relay, and the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP), on Wednesday, February 12, 2025, from 10 p.m. to midnight.  


Benefit: This update will ensure increased security and continued supportability. 



What Can You Expect

Users may experience brief disruption to services during the maintenance window. 




If you experience issues or need assistance, please contact the ITS Service Desk at, visit our virtual service desk, or call 415-338-1420. 


On Saturday, February 8, from 4 to 6 p.m., ITS will apply monthly security and critical OS updates on the Linux servers.


Benefit: The latest Linux updates fix security vulnerabilities and improve the stability of services.


What Can You Expect

During the maintenance window, users may experience a brief loss of service while the system reboots. Each service will be unavailable for approximately ten minutes.



If you experience issues or need assistance, please contact the ITS Service Desk at or 415-338-1420.



ITS has resolved the issue that caused a Gateway outage. All services, including HRMS, CFS, and Campus Solutions, are now fully operational.


What Can You Expect

Users should no longer experience issues with:

  • Accessing the SFSU Gateway
  • Accessing services connected to the Gateway, including HRMS, CFS, and Campus Solutions.

If you continue to encounter any problems, please reach out to us for assistance.



If you experience issues or need assistance, please contact the ITS Service Desk at, visit our virtual service desk, or call 415-338-1420. 



ITS is investigating an issue that caused a Gateway outage and is actively working to resolve it. ITS will provide status updates as we learn more. 


What Can You Expect

During this incident, users will experience issues with:

  • Accessing the SFSU Gateway
  • Accessing services connected to the Gateway, including HRMS, CFS, and Campus Solutions.


While we work to address this issue, you can use the following links to access:


 Campus Solutions 



If you experience issues or need assistance, please contact the ITS Service Desk at, visit our virtual service desk, or call 415-338-1420. 


ITS will apply monthly Windows security and critical updates on Windows servers on Saturday, January 18, 2025, from 6 p.m. to midnight. The latest Windows security patches fix vulnerabilities and errors in Windows and associated software, reducing the risk of exploitation by malware or hackers. 


What Can You Expect

During the maintenance window, users may experience a brief loss of service while each server reboots. Each server will be unavailable for less than 10 minutes during the maintenance window.



If you experience issues or need assistance, please contact the ITS Service Desk at or 415-338-1420.


On Saturday, January 18, from 4 to 8 p.m., ITS will apply monthly security and critical OS updates on the Linux servers.


Benefit: The latest Linux updates fix security vulnerabilities and improve the stability of services.


What Can You Expect

During the maintenance window, users may experience a brief loss of service while the system reboots. Each service will be unavailable for approximately ten minutes.



If you experience issues or need assistance, please contact the ITS Service Desk at or 415-338-1420.


ITS will perform required security maintenance on the SFSU OneCard system, which resides at SF State, on Friday, January 17, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Transact and the OneCard system will be unavailable during the scheduled maintenance window. 

Benefit: This upgrade will improve both the security and reliability of the OneCard system.


What Can You Expect

 The SFSU OneCard system and various Integrations will be unavailable during the maintenance timeframe. 

Integrated systems include: 

•    Campus Meal Plans 

•    eAccounts 

•    Fill Stations 

•    Flowbird (Parking Lot Kiosk System) 

•    Follett Bookstore System 

•    Innosoft Fusion 

•    Micros Systems (Cash Registers) 

•    OneCard Clipper Integration 

•    Online Photo Submission 

•    Pinnacle Door Control updates (doors will still function, but no changes can be made to the system) 

•    Sequoia Systems (Cash Registers) 

•    Sodexo updates 

•    StarRez updates 

•    Transact Mobile Ordering 

•    TruCredential (for ID Card creation) 

•    Uniprint

•    Verifone V200c POS Devices

•    Xerox Machines



If you experience issues or need assistance, please contact the ITS Service Desk at or 415-338-1420.



The Chancellor's Office has scheduled a downtime maintenance window for campus PeopleSoft platform Campus Solutions (CS) 9.2. The downtime will occur on Friday, January 17th, from 8:00 p.m. to midnight while the Chancellor's Office works to apply a maintenance pack upgrade.



Anyone with their Financial Aid Term built post-census can now correctly develop and distribute the awarded aid.


What Can You Expect

Campus Solutions (CS) will not be available during the maintenance window. Affected applications include:


- Accept Admission Offer

- CPaGE Quick Admit

- Gator Scheduler



If you experience issues or need assistance, please contact the ITS Service Desk at or 415-338-1420.


Beginning Wednesday, January 8, at 7 p.m. until Thursday, January 9, 2025, at 1 a.m., ITS will upgrade ServiceNow, the university's ticketing software, from Vancouver to the new Xanadu release. 

While this upgrade introduces new enhancements, the user experience will remain unchanged. If you would like to learn more about the Xanadu release, you can use this link. If you want to view Xanadu's complete set of feature updates, please click here.


What Can You Expect

To prevent data loss, users should avoid logging into ServiceNow during the upgrade. However, they can log in to ServiceNow using the same URL as before:



If you experience issues or need assistance, please contact the ITS Service Desk at, visit our virtual service desk, or call 415-338-1420. 


On Saturday, December 21, from 4 to 8 p.m., ITS will apply monthly security and critical OS updates on the Linux servers.


Benefit: The latest Linux security patches fix vulnerabilities and errors in Linux and associated services. Security and critical updates reduce the risk of malware exploitation by hackers.


What Can You Expect

During the maintenance window, users may experience a brief loss of service while the system reboots. Each service will be unavailable for approximately ten minutes.



If you experience issues or need assistance, please contact the ITS Service Desk at or 415-338-1420.