Campus Wireless (Wi-Fi)

Campus Wi-Fi

Wi-Fi Network



Coverage Areas

Main Campus

  • Academic Buildings
  • Classrooms
  • Library
  • Administrative Buildings
  • Faculty & Staff Office Spaces
  • Student Union

Remote Campuses

  • Romberg Tiburon Campus
  • Downtown Campus



The SFState wireless (Wi-Fi) network provides encrypted connectivity for current faculty, staff, students and community members. The SFState network offers up to gigabit speed and a secure connection. Additionally, during login, a unique certificate is pushed to the device, eliminating the need to re-enter login credentials for subsequent uses.


How to Connect

To connect to the SFState Wi-Fi, select it from the list of available Wi-Fi network on your device and when prompted use your SF State credentials to log in. For detailed directions on connecting specific devices please see the Wireless Connectivity Guide



Up to 1gbps



Support is provided by SF State ITS by emailing or calling (415) 338-1420, Monday - Friday from 8:00am - 5:00pm

Wi-Fi Network



Coverage Areas

Main Campus

  • Academic Buildings
  • Classrooms
  • Library
  • Administrative Buildings
  • Faculty & Staff Office Spaces
  • Student Union

Remote Campuses

  • Romberg Tiburon Campus
  • Downtown Campus



The SFStateGuest wireless network is a courtesy service available to campus guests. Guest users register for the service with a phone number to receive SMS messages and/or an email address to receive a password to connect to the network. Guests will be provided access to one device for 12 hours (with the option to renew). 


The SFStateGuest wireless is limited in speed to 5mbps upload & download.


Up to 3 mbps

Students, employees, and community members with a current SF State Global Login ID should use the SFState wireless network which has no bandwidth limitations.



Support is provided by SF State ITS by emailing or calling (415) 338-1420, Monday - Friday from 8:00am - 5:00pm

Wi-Fi Network



Coverage Areas

Main Campus

  • Academic Buildings
  • Classrooms
  • Library
  • Administrative Buildings
  • Faculty & Staff Office Spaces
  • Student Union

Remote Campuses

  • Romberg Tiburon Campus
  • Downtown Campus



Eduroam is a worldwide roaming network available at participating educational institutions. SF State students, faculty, staff, or anyone from a partnering institution can log in to the Eduroam wireless network using their credentials. 


How to Connect

To connect to the Eduroam Wi-Fi, select it from the list of available Wi-Fi network on your device and when prompted use your SF State or partnering institution credentials to log in. 



Up to 1gbps



Support is provided by SF State ITS by emailing or calling (415) 338-1420, Monday - Friday from 8:00am - 5:00pm

University Housing / Campus Residents Wi-Fi

For connectivity information for your building, please choose from the following options, based on the Wi-Fi network you see or your building location.

Wi-Fi Network



Coverage Areas

  • Towers at Centennial Square
  • Towers Jr. Suites
  • University Park North Buildings 1-6
    • 17 Buckingham Way to 235 Buckingham Way (odd numbered addresses)
  • Village at Centennial Square A, B, & C
  • West Grove Commons



Users of the MyResNet Wi-Fi network can retrieve their personal password from the web portal linked below. Your personal password will allow you to connect your devices to the network and it will create a Personal Area Network (PAN) which allows each of a user’s devices (Alexa, Google Mini, wireless printers and smart lightbulbs etc.) to be able to “see” and communicate directly with each other on the network for an “at home” experience. 


How to Connect

  1. Retrieve your personal password from the portal linked below.
  2. Navigate to the wireless settings on each device.  
  3. Connect to MyResNet-5G Wi-Fi network.
  4. Enter your Wi-Fi password when prompted to connect.  
  5. Enable the “auto-join” feature.   


Web Portal

Log in with your campus Single Sign On credentials (SSO)



Up to 100mbps download / 50mbps upload



Support is provided by calling the Apogee 24-hour support line at (888) 478-8864. Live chat is available at the portal linked above.

Wi-Fi Network



Coverage Areas

  • University Park North Buildings 6-14

    • 200-260 Buckingham (even numbered addresses)
    • 255-427 Buckingham
    • Winston Drive
  • University Park South



Users of the Resnet Wi-Fi network will be sent a connection password and a personal voucher code to their campus email address upon checking into their housing assignment. If you did not receive your voucher code, please submit a Technology Service Request Form and we will email you your code.

  • Each resident receives their own voucher code. Please do not share your code
  • Each voucher code will allow you to add up to 8 devices. If you hit the 8 device limit, you may request a new voucher code by emailing This process clears all existing devices from your voucher.
  • You may use your voucher codes for any guests you have visiting, those uses do count against your 8 device limit.


Game Systems, Apple TVs, Smart TVs, & Other Wireless Devices

Not all wireless devices can use the voucher code system and must be manually added by ITS. If you have a device that does not have a built-in web browser, you will need to provide us with its MAC address and type of devices you're adding. 

  • Connect your device to the Resnet Wi-Fi using the connection password (not your voucher code) and leave the device on if possible.
  • Send an email to with the type of device, its MAC address and your apartment address.



Up to 100mbps download / 50mbps upload



Support is provided by SF State ITS by emailing or calling (415) 338-1420, Monday - Friday from 8:00am - 5:00pm


Wi-Fi Network

University Housing


Coverage Areas

  • Selected Apartments in University Park North Buildings 6-14

    • 200-260 Buckingham (even numbered addresses)
    • 255-427 Buckingham
    • Winston Drive



Users of the University Housing Wi-Fi network can retrieve their personal password from the portal linked below. Your personal password will allow you to connect your devices to the network and it will create a Personal Area Network (PAN) which allows each of a user’s devices (Alexa, Google Mini, wireless printers and smart lightbulbs etc.) to be able to “see” and communicate directly with each other on the network for an “at home” experience. 


This network is available in a small number of apartments in University Park North and is a replacement for the Resnet Wi-Fi network.


How to Connect

  1. Retrieve your personal password from the portal linked below.
  2. Navigate to the wireless settings on each device.  
  3. Connect to University Housing Wi-Fi network.
  4. Enter your Wi-Fi password when prompted to connect.  
  5. Enable the “auto-join” feature.   


Web Portal

Log in with your campus Single Sign On credentials (SSO)

University Housing Wi-Fi Portal



Support is provided by SF State ITS by filling out a Technology Service Request Form or calling (415) 338-1420, Monday - Friday from 8:00am - 5:00pm

Wi-Fi Network



Coverage Areas

  • Manzanita Square



View instructions



Support is provided by calling the MyCampusNet support line at (833) 548-4746 or via email,