SF State Websites - Drupal
Welcome to the SF State website support page. Our webpage template is built on Drupal, an open source platform, in collaboration with Strategic Marketing & Communications as well as our Accessibility Department. The ITS web development team is focused on providing an accessible and professional experience for the campus community.
The SF State websites use a component-based system that is simple to use, even without prior website design experience. Pre-built components in our library using the Pattern Lab system help site builders create engaging websites quickly. We welcome feedback and look forward to supporting your website building efforts.
Current Drupal version: 9.5
Web Development Projects
San Francisco State University Strategic Marketing and Communications began a three-year web content redesign project with OHO Interactive in the Fall of 2022. This project will impact all campus websites and all campus URLs will change as a result.
In addition, ITS and Academic technology are collaborating on an upgrade to the faculty website server that will improve security, resiliency, and features for SF State faculty members.
Need Help?
For Drupal Support
Visit our Drupal Help Guides for tutorials on basic Drupal knowledge and visit our Pattern Lab Components to see our large library of pre-developed style components.
For Drupal Services
When your site is ready to move to production, please visit this checklist to ensure that you have completed all the steps necessary.
For other services like requesting a department website, requesting a faculty website, or request to retire a website please submit a service ticket.
Policy and Responsibilities for a Department Website
Website Owner Responsibilities
Copyright, content ownership
- All content belongs to the site owner not ITS
- It is your responsibility to know what can be posted on your website
- It is your responsibility to know what can be posted on your website
- No sensitive data should be stored in the CMS!
- ITS can help integrate modules with other backend systems such as Oracle DBs for you to store data elsewhere
- Do NOT share passwords, manage access carefully
- If you are unsure about anything, please contact the ISO before posting it.
ITS provides tools to assist with accessibility testing but it is the owner’s responsibility to understand requirements and verify with DPRC
University communications
For all public facing sites, you must understand and follow any guidelines from Strategic Marketing and Communications
These responsibilities are subject to change. Please check frequently and ensure you are always aware of your responsibilities as a website owner or sponsor.
ITS Responsibilities
- ITS provides three identical environment (dev, test and live) for each Drupal website
- It is your responsibility to know what can be posted on your website
- ITS is typically available 8am-5pm on business days.
- ITS does not provide 24x7 support but does monitor the servers and will attempt to restore service in the event of an outage
- ITS performs a nightly backup of the file system and database
- ITS can restore a Drupal website to the latest backup with in one business day upon request from an owner/sponsor
- The Drupal environment is integrated with the campus federated sign on
- ITS is not responsible for any data stored in the Drupal CMS
- ITS will provide training for end-users to set up a site and manage content
- ITS does not provide training for developers
- ITS provides 250 MB of storage space per website (department or program)
- Audio and video content should not be stored on the ITS server but can be stored in YouTube/Vimeo and served through Drupal
Server Access
- Access to the Drupal servers and databases is restricted to ITS
Strategic Marketing & Communications Web Team Responsibilities
- Provides account access for SF State editors
- Sets branding and editorial standards
- Provide training for end-users to set up a site and manage content
- Provides training for content editors

For More Support
For any Drupal related support, please contact your site administrator. Most of the support issues would be resolved by the site administrator.
If you are the site administrator and need Drupal Support team's assistance, please contact us at service@sfsu.edu or call (415) 338-1420.
For any feature requests or other general help, please submit a ticket.