UPDATE: Downtown Campus (160 Spear Street) Internet, Wi-Fi, & Phone Connectivity are down (Friday, January 28, 2022 – 8pm) 


160 Spear Street remains without Internet, Wi-Fi, and Phone Connectivity. AT&T has advised that the problem is not on the 160 Spear Street side and believes the problem to be with fiber closer to the 1600 Holloway Avenue side. AT&T does not currently have an ETR (Estimated Time to Repair) but ITS will continue to follow up and send regular updates.

What Can You Expect  

Currently there is no Internet, Wi-Fi, or phone connectivity at 160 Spear Street. ITS will send an update as soon as we have more details. 


If you experience issues or need assistance, please contact the ITS Service Desk at service@sfsu.edu or 415-338-1420.