October 19 / Week 3 - 2020 Cyber Security Awareness Month

Securing Internet-Connected Devices in Healthcare

The healthcare industry is increasingly relying upon internet-connected devices and solutions to improve patient care, organizational efficiency, speed of crisis response, and much more. The emergence of telemedicine, digital health records, internet-connected medical devices, patient wellness apps, and an increasing amount of third parties entering the health supply chain has created many benefits, but has also exposed the industry to vulnerabilities that cyber criminals regularly attempt to exploit. The third week of Cybersecurity Awareness Month will delve into the industry (hospitals, care facilities) and consumer (telemedicine patients) implications of internet-connected device use and what steps both can take own their part and #BeCyberSmart.


What's next...

October 26 / Week 4 The Future of Connected Devices


Events this week


Title: Cyber Security Tips and Tricks for Home and Work

When: Oct 21, 2020 04:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

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